Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back up... what's with that??

Lately I have been very interested in space, well when I say lately it would be for the past three or four years. I find it so fascinating the 'bigness' of it and the complex formations taking place every second. I could talk about it for ages but ill save you guys the bore and move straight to the point.

I was driving along today, in my company car, the old but reliable combo and I had one thought that stood out from the normal random my mind conjures up from time to time. The universe is very big (I think most of us will agree with this point), so why is it that God did not make us bigger...?

I believe from no evidence what so ever but just by thinking logically that humans will not even come close to exploring the whole universe before Jesus comes back so why is it that God put it there if we don't discover it. If we were bigger (or the universe smaller) we might have a chance or at least be able to discover more right? 

Just an interesting thought for you, if you have an answer I would be very interested in hearing it.

Have a good night
Luke Fairburn.


  1. I don't have an answer but I like your line of thought... I will be thinking this all night (i am on night shift).

    Perhaps we will get the opportunity later on into eternity. As humans are made in Gods image we are made to last forever, as eternal beings. When Christ returns and makes all things new, it may be that the universe and earth we experience now will be part of the new heavens and earth that he creates in forever. It seems that he doesn't destroy what is now, but rather perfects it. So perhaps you will get the opportunity in forever to modify the work car with Noah and the gang and explore every corner of this amazing universe.

  2. I'm doing a unit at school on planets and it is blowing my mind... I can only think of space as our closest thing to understanding eternity. It is just so huge and it's actually so hard for me to even begin to imagine how big it really is. I like your thoughts brother.

  3. Interesting stuff. Hey if we found the limit to creation...what would it look like? I immediately thought of a big brick wall with a sign saying "This is it". But then I got wondering...whats behind the wall? Even if there is nothingness isn't that still part of space?

  4. You raise an interesting point jacob
